Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Glossing Over the Finish Line

We're finished....sort of. I've been saying that we're finished with the bathroom for about a month now, so why do we keep working on it? There are all those little things - touchups, caulking, decorating, installing an actual shower door...that we still have to finish up, but the "big" stuff, the stuff that kept me up at night worrying for almost a year, is finished. I'm so excited to put up our "after" pictures that I'm going to gloss over posting anything about all of the work that we did between installing the subfloor and reaching the end result, because really, I'm guessing that most people are uninterested in hearing about the trials and tribulations of tiling an intricate floor pattern and a shower enclosure for 5 months straight.

The end result isn't perfect. It never is. As a homeowner and remodeler, you notice every single paint drip, every tile that's just slightly offset, every grout line that could be just a little cleaner. Still, the (almost) finished product is incredible, and I love every inch of it. I'll post true "after" pictures after the shower enclosure has been installed, but in the meantime, here are some photos from the end of December:

"New" vanity - really an English washstand that Jasun coated in six layers of marine varnish. It definitely stands out as the bathroom's showpiece

Lights on! The stained-glass window acts as a door for the homemade recessed cabinet

Look! We have shower handles! And a faucet! What will they think of next?!

Looking in from the hallway